
What is the process of making palm oil?

What is the process of making palm oil?

Through the process of boiling, crushing and squeezing, crude palm oil (CPO) and palm meal (PE) can be obtained from palm pulp; at the same time, during the crushing process, the palm fruit (i.e. palm kernel) is separated, After crushing and removing the shell, the remaining kernels are squeezed to obtain crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) and palm kernel meal (PKE). There are two different oils in oil palm fruits. Palm oil is obtained from the pulp; palm kernel oil is obtained from the palm seeds (kernels). Of the two oils, the former is more important. As the most productive oil-producing plant in the world, oil palm can produce up to approximately 4 tons of crude palm oil, 0.5 tons of palm kernel oil, and 0.5 tons of palm kernel meal per hectare. Refined palm oil is divided into 24-degree palm oil, 33-degree palm oil, 44-degree palm oil, 52-degree palm oil, and 58-degree palm oil according to different melting points. 24-degree palm oil is commonly used in cooking and food processing industries, 33-degree palm oil is commonly used in margarine and cocoa butter substitute processing, and 44-degree palm oil is commonly used in daily chemical industries such as soaps and cosmetics. With the rise in crude oil prices, the subject of biofuels has been explored again, and the use of palm oil as biofuels has been discovered, becoming a new growth point for the use of palm oil in the future. Palm oil is the product of pressing the palm fruit of the oil palm. There are three main uses: edible, food processing industry and chemical industry.

Biodiesel is a clean energy source that is environmentally friendly and renewable and can be obtained from palm oil processing. In recent years, the United States has promoted the development of biodiesel, and the demand for biodiesel and its raw material palm oil has continued to rise. As the main palm oil producing countries, Indonesia and Malaysia have sufficient raw materials, which are conducive to the development of the biodiesel industry. But at the same time, rising demand for biodiesel has also had a certain impact on international palm oil futures prices. Global and U.S. biodiesel production and consumption continue to rise. From 2001 to 2021, global biodiesel daily production increased from 15.59 thousand barrels to 734.45 thousand barrels, with a CAGR of 20.1%. Judging from this trend, the demand for biodiesel will further increase in the future, driving the demand for palm oil to grow.

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